Jocelyn Mccauley Q+A with WYN republic
Meet Jocelyn Mccauley – WYN republic athlete, dedicated professional triathlete, mom, and wife. Jocelyn's journey in athletics began as a collegiate cross country and track and field athlete at BYU. After college, her passion for competition led her from running races to triathlons, where she initially served as a supportive Sherpa for her sister during several Ironman events. Since then, her career has soared to new heights, with seven remarkable years as a professional triathlete under her belt.
WYN republic: What is your go to pre-race dinner? Breakfast?
Jocelyn: For dinner I have chicken and rice with salt and BBQ sauce. For breakfast I have applesauce with protein powder, a pancake, and a sports drink to sip on.
WYN republic: What's your favorite food?
Jocelyn: I’ve thought too long on this one. I’ll say really good Chocolate.
WYN republic: How does being a mom shape your training and racing compared to pre-mom life?
Jocelyn: Well I didn’t really know about the amazing triathlon life before having kids! I did run prior to having kids. Kids have made another very strong purpose for doing triathlon. I want to show my two daughters that they can chase their dreams and dream big! It definitely makes things harder at times but very fulfilling.
WYN republic: What is your favorite and most daunting type of workout?
Jocelyn: I love swim/rides/runs without structure because I can include my kids or friends in those types of workouts. My most daunting type of workout is anything at threshold or above. I can hold 70.3/100km/IM power all day though!
WYN republic: What is your favorite book? Podcast? Pump up song?
Jocelyn: Book - Fearless Mind by Craig Manning- I read it at least 3 times a year. Podcast - Business Wars. Song - Hope by NF.
WYN republic: What has been your favorite swim, bike, and run course to date?
Jocelyn: Swim - IM New Zealand. Bike - IM Mallorca. Run - IM Texas.
WYN republic: What kind of legacy do you hope to leave in sport?
Jocelyn: I want to leave the legacy of kindness in this sport. I want women to uplift women and come together.
WYN republic: Who or what inspires you?
Jocelyn: My family first and foremost and all the other amazing women in this sport, past and present.
WYN republic: What's your favorite WYN item?
Jocelyn: There can’t be one! How about an outfit? Do. It. Now. Bra, Volt Hi Velocity Jersey in Electric Blue, Spin To Wyn Cycling Shorts, Flagship Sock Sky Blue, and Essentials TT gloves black.